02 May 2022

Red flagging it

It was May Day and it's a strange and forgotten event in these days of neo-liberalism and post-Economic Left and almost post-unions but I was amused by a Red Flag carried outside the windows of Smiths and the bloke came in.  He was a lifetime unionist and maintaining whatever rage is possible these days and a nice guy and there were plenty of others, surprisingly there from the very start and they saw The Pots.  The Pots appeared as the first act.  I had another appointment so Nigel gave me the opening spot.  I was performing a few songs from my albums with DJ deck and mic and just for a lark I ran The Internationale (Russian version, huge choir) as a lead in.  Given the age of the audience, I reckon they recognised it.  Playing it to our kids and their friends later, it's clear it's forgotten.  Then on to Hope%less ("This is coal, don't be afraid, don't be scared") and Double down (general rant) and Power (Trump and his Bible).  I got some applause and hopefully my listeners will increase (Spotify: recently +400% to 5 monthly listeners! Next month?).  I would have liked to stay; its good manners to stay for the other performers at these events.  I did hear Karlo Paarsonen singing some very amusing lefty numbers, including with singalongs, then had to leave as a woman was introducing a song about the Tolpuddle Martyrs.  I knew the name but again I doubt my kids' generation would.  So history goes, gone and forgotten, with ideologies and inequalities, but it was a good turnout and I enjoyed my rant on stage.  And good on the singers preparing outside, not least Mel.  And  again I missed Cuddlefish...

Smiths staged Songs of Protest for May Day (1 May).  Eric Pozza (DJ deck, spoken word) opened as The Pots.  Karlo Paarsonen (vocals, domra?) performed and was followed by numerous others.  Mel Kordek (guitar, vocals) was amongst the singers outside.

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