12 August 2024

Happy 30th

We got to the 30th anniversary Gala Event for The Australia Institute.  We were the unconnected ones amongst the journalism and political elite.  It was fun and interesting if somewhat unsettling.  Lots of faces that you know, some identifiable, some with name tags and that helped.  The people of our notoriety were quite obvious, looking a bit lost and not in jovial conversation and not mingling, perhaps grabbing at all the canapes and refilling glasses a little too often.  No problem there, really.  The scene was friendly enough, just that we weren't really in it.  I crossed gazes with Joseph Stiglitz sitting off to the side looking a bit out, obviously not in this crowd if known and respected, but someone started chatting before I got to.  I toyed with a chat to Jack Waterford but I remember embarrassing myself with him once before, trying to do much the same thing.  I saw faces that I must know from Insiders or Q&A or other but couldn't name.  Similarly for at least one independent.  I knew David Pope when I saw him and he was hard to miss.  We could all identify David Pocock.  Various others I won't mention.  An Intro and welcome, then later a discussion between Richard Dennis and guest Joseph Stiglitz.  I must stream Q&A when I can because of a comment on Insiders suggesting an encounter of ex-AFR Editor Michael Stutchbury and Stiglitz.  It was just a dropped comment on Insiders but it should be amusing.  I embarrassed myself with Ebony Bennett with my Manuka encounter story.  Such is life.  But I chatted with various interesting outsiders: another CIMF billeter; someone who'd attended our Beethoven Missa Solemnis; someone involved with Megalo Print Studio.  Megan chatted to an old work mate in the film archive scene.  And hidden down the bar at the end of this lovely Old Parliament House Members' Dining Room were Matthew Dennett and Andreo Esguerra switching between classical and jazz.

The Australia Institute has a 30th Annniversary Gala event at Old Parliament House Members' Bar.  Joseph Stiglitz chatted with  Richard Denniss.  Matthew Dennett (piano) and Andreo Esguerra (violin) entertained.

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