15 November 2008

Gone to the shops

My pop/disco band mostly plays private gigs so it’s missed a write-up, but today three of us played for a Coles promotional gig at Jamison Centre. It’s was busy and noisy, but we played standards, passed around tons of solos, the kids enjoyed the clowns and we had a good time. James plays a very cool, sweet and laid-back tenor (think Stan Getz) with solos to make the fairer sex melt. Peter is a wonderfully capable and experienced keyboardist. I love the way the various sounds pop up in the disco setting: organ or piano or synth or clav or whatever. In this context, he played piano, and he’s always solid and reliable and often adventurous. I got plenty of solos too, and we had some good, solid latins and walks happening, and that’s always satisfying. So, lots of fun, a slightly unusual (and busy and noisy) venue and with the earliest start I remember.

Crisp is now renamed as Stolen Moments, or Kitsch in Synch for the more playful gigs. The trio comprised James Hoogstad (tenor), Peter Kirkup (piano) and Eric Pozza (bass).

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