24 June 2009

Sally’s evolution

Sally Greenaway held her London Evolution concert at the Street Theatre the other night. I missed it for family reasons, and it seems like I missed a beauty. Over 100 musos played for a full house, in various formats and bands and styles. Thankfully, ArtSound recorded the night, and we’ll be hearing it sometime soon on Friday Night Live. Till then, I have to be satisfied with pics and a blog post (with the full program). Sally is evolving to study film composition at the Royal College of Music in London. She’s got a great history already, composing and arranging for numerous bands and styles, and even winning the inaugural National Big Band Composition Competition (what a title!) with the JazzGroove Mothership Orchestra and our Canberra International Music Festival’s Young Composer Competition. This girl’s got talent! Best of luck, Sally, and keep in touch.

  • Sally's website
  • Blog post on Sally's Evolution concert
  • Pics of the Sally's Evolution concert
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