15 February 2021

Markets within markets

I was at the Fyshwick Market and I caught Flowermarket.  FM is a young indie rock band and they were playing for passing shoppers on a warm Sunday arvo and having a ball.  It could only remind me of my days years back when I did much the same thing.  It's in my mind as I've just connected again with the singer of my first bands who took up bass and ended up touring the US and playing with Australia's best.  Ah, memories.  Well, I trust FM will have them.  We'll see who keeps it up; who goes into some other style or drops music altogether; who maybe succeeds.  That's hard, and in this field it's just as much character and presence as musicianship.  So best to FM.  They were doing a great job and greeting friends and sounding fresh and alive and just having a ball.  As it should be.

Flowermarket are Ed York (vocals, guitar), Charlie Currie (lead guitar), Finn Clarke (bass, vocals), Ryan Vernon (drums).

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