06 September 2024

Which one

It was Ariana so I fully expected a worthy concert, but this was a doozy.  It was entitled Repeat and the audience got to choose works to play on piano or harpsichord, or to choose the order then to vote for a preferred instrument.  So this was a fascinating comparison of the Yamaha C6 and a well renowned Australian-made harpsichord (forgotten the maker).  The works  were from Bach, Beethoven and a modern work by Psathas called Waiting for the aeroplane, played this day on piano and apparently played numerous times by Ariana at the Venice Biennale 2011.  The vote was generally for harpsichord, certainly for Bach Prelude Cmaj BWV846 and his Goldberg variations.  I preferred the piano for the Beethoven (Moonlight sonata) but Ariana observed that it wouldn't have been played on an instrument like the Yamaha and her preference was the harpsichord.  So be it; maybe just habit on my behalf.  But lovely playing and very different sounds and a range from Bach to modern and the audience participation made for a fascinating concert.

Ariana Odermatt (harpsichord, piano) performed at Wesley Music Centre.

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