I'd talked of baroque music, but this is really earlier, I guess, still baroque but early? It's certainly not Bach. Perhaps I think baroque given the gut violin strings and plucked string tones of the harpsichord. This was John Ma and Marie Searles playing duo. Marie with several solo tunes, one imitating birds and another guitars and castanets. Apparently. It's intriguing and challenging even if not particularly identifiable in these days of samples that really do copy and manipulate sounds. Otherwise, John and Marie together played another imitation or representation of Turkish music, and a standard style of Adagio and Courante, and a dedication to a composer's fellow musician, La Sabbatina dedicated to Roberto Sabbatini, and a perhaps an even stranger one to our ears, Diverse bizzarie sopra la vecchia sarabanda or pur ciannona. These were interesting and various oddities... The composers were all around 1650-1770 and with some pretty obscure names. Henry Eccles was obvious enough, but otherwise be Blaineville, Pogletti, Forquerau and Matteis. But as always from John and Marie, much joy, much playful, bouncy, capable playing and even much education in composers and the times. You couldn't want for more.
John Ma (violin) and Marie Searles (harpsichord) presented and performed at Wesley.
This is CJBlog post no. 2,950
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