21 August 2024

Mellow tones

This was my second hearing of the Canberra Men's Choir and I recognised some of the faces.  It's a non-auditioned choir that meets weekly at the Harmony German Club.  Despite hearing them before and knowing they have very few sopranos (none), I was still surprised by the tone.  There are four sections, ATBB (alto, tenor, baritone, bass), but any song may be sung in 2,3 or 4 parts perhaps with solos, or almost unison on a sea shanty.   I was sitting admiring the rich, deeper, mellow tones and harmonies and counted 3 parts in one song but there can be more.  And sometimes there may be solo singers for a higher line, but mostly this is characterised by those lush, deeper tones.  They are directed by Leanne KcKean and accompanied by Vivian Zhu  which is somewhat amusing in a gender sense but perfectly effective.  Lovely to be in a time that feels this way.  They sang a range of style, from shanties to Appalachia to Cole Porter, Leonard Cohen and Benny/Bjorn and even a folk song form NZ, so this is of a style but eclectic in sources.  A lovely afternoon interlude with blissfully indulgent harmonies.

The Canberra Men's Choir performed at Wesley under Leanne McKean (musical director) and with accompaniment by Vivian Zhu (piano).

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