16 September 2015

Hip 15

Congratulations to Hippo for its 15th year of jazz. And jazz goes back further in this spot. I remember it as Dorette's with the SOM students who have since moved to Sydney and JazzGroove and more. Venues move on, but Hippo has a respected, if noisy, long-term relationship with jazz and that's something to celebrate. So they did, last Wednesday, with a string of bands and free entry and masses in house for cocktails and whiskys and whiskeys and more. It's gone through a few interior redecorations, added a balcony, recently provided a stage area with big-city light-filled backdrop (I like it), staged tons of Australian and Canberra bands and a string of internationals. Yes, it's noisy, but that's the business. At least a venue remains with a considerable history. Thanks to Hippo, now HippoCo, and congratulations.

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