Jazz Uncovered was billed as our Canberra showcase of modern jazz, an inaugural feast of modern music on multiple stages. And it turned out a treat. We raised $3,000 for our charity Wellwishers; we entertained several hundred people; we introduced 25 bands over 4 stages to these listeners; we sponsored lots of original or inventive music of one type or another. It was a lot of work, and I was busy throughout the day, recording and photographing and generally being a Committee busy bee, as well as a roadie before and after the event. We promoted widely, with several interviews on ArtSound, a 20-min interview on ABC666, mentions on ABCFM Jazztrack, and several articles in the Canberra Times. We got sponsorship from some great local companies, ActewAGL and Capital Chemists, as well as several smaller outfits: Acoustic Path, Infidel Studios, Spectrum Graphics and others. Thanks also to Kev Austin and George Pass of Active Clear Sound and Bill Arnett of the Folkus Room. We were broadcast live for 5 hours on ArtSound, and have provided hours of further concert programming to promote the bands both here in Canberra, throughout Australia, and maybe in Europe. We gave a lucky dip to the Luke Sweeting Trio for a 10-hour recording session, courtesy of Duncan Lowe at Infidel Studios. And at the end of the day we all relaxed together for a great concert by Australian internationals, Wanderlust.

I was too busy to provide reports on all the bands. I caught a snippet of all, but settled into none but Wanderlust. Pics will have to suffice for this one, but I invite comments on the various photo-reports. Congrats to my fellow Committee members, and thanks to the bands and the supporters and the sponsors and the audience. And for the record, we fully expect to do it all again next year.
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