Dave Rodriguez and Lachlan Coventry entertained in the background, and Tony Magee and Chris Deacon migrated to the Yamaha C6 grand in the studio for an impromptu concert. I hadn't heard Tony before, although he's well known around town. He's got an impressive memory. Firstly Gershwin and Cole Porter then on to Moonlight Sonata. The Beethoven was lovely romantic stuff, nicely played and not too protracted, and it was all pretty much on call. The Canberra Times social photographer, Lyn Mills, was also there and I managed a snap of she who is normally the other side of the lens.
Best of luck to ArtSound and their fund-raising. Feel free to ring and make a donation to a good cause or even just finally do the right thing and become a paying member. They do great work for jazz and all the arts in Canberra.
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