Gossips was booked but Leanne had the lurgie, so it was Jazz Republic with a guest singer, Rachel Thorne, instead. I've heard Rachel around and admired her singing for some time. It's always nice to play with capable new musos. She was good: singing, scat, and a nice take on mixing lines from one song in with another. The songs were mostly old standards. L-O-V-E is a ridiculously cute thing that I’d wanted to play for some time, complete with chromatic key changes. Otherwise Perhaps3, So nice to come home to, Come fly with me, Lullaby of Birdland. Nice standards and well received. We also played several original tunes. Mike debuted three songs: two witty love songs, a swing and a boogie, and one heart-on-the-shoulder ballad. My Sambala got an airing. I was playing solidly so enjoyed the outing and caught some clever solos and fills from Richard. My thing these days is setting the essence of tune, and letting the flourishes and fancy stuff come of their own accord. Slow learner, perhaps, but finally learnt. This was a nice, easy gig for a pleasant audience and I enjoyed it lots. Thanks to Rachel. Rachel Thorne (vocals) sang with Jazz Republic at Bite to Eat. The Republicans are Mike Dooley (piano, vocals), Richard Manderson (saxes), Eric Pozza (bass) and Brenton Holmes (drums).
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