Here's a post that any muso will appreciate. We played again at the Tradies and it was a very pleasant gig. Obviously the playing and companionship are one aspect of this. Another is the lug. Someone was telling me of the hard lug at Hippo (I still haven't played there). He even hires a roadie for that tortuous stairway. The worst lug I remember was a country hall that was accessed up several flights of external timber steps with plenty of heavy bass gear and PA, puffing and dreading that a rotted might give way. Gear is lighter now but we are commensurately older and the lug remains an issue. Tradies is a single lug with a hotel luggage trolley for PA and bass gear and the rest (including my tongue-in-cheek micro-light show). It's a pleasure, even more so with a grand piano on stage to save James his lug. Add Dave's drum kit and we are go. How easy is this!
Tilt lugged at the Dickson Tradies and will do so again over coming months. Tilt are James Woodman (piano), Eric Pozza (bass) and Dave McDade (drums).
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