Always an honour to play on the same turf as such luminaries as John Mackey and Leisa Keen. They had played this gig on Saturday and this was our Sunday arvo duo. The place was the Cork Street Cellars at Gundog Estate in Gundaroo. The place was buzzing this day and we enjoyed our return as the Tilt Duo: James and me. It's nice playing as a duo: you can hear all and there's plenty of space for grooves and solos. We were playing last songs when a final group of women came on the deck announcing one as a jazz singer. Good ... sit-ins. They don't always work but this one did. We decided our key and played Almost like being in love. Great song and nicely done. It turns out Dee Cole had a history of singing in England and a year on the QE2 so no slouch. What a find to end the arvo. Thanks to Dee.
James Woodman (piano) and Eric Pozza (bass) played as Tilt Duo at the Gundong Estate at Gundaroo. Dee Cole (vocals) sat in.
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